Saturday, 21 April 2012

Miss Iron Fist 2012...

Copyright Alan Martin

So I know I have been bad and neglected my blog yet again, but life seems to be getting in the way of me updating...

Some really exciting things have been happening to me lately and I just haven’t found the time to stop and write about them. I am currently in the first heat of the Miss Iron Fist competition (I could always use more votes so head over via the link and like my photo, I would appreciate it) I am really shocked that I got this far as I am sure they had a lot of applicants as it is such a big clothing brand. I think the problem with me is that I underestimate what I actually can do and how 'good' I actually am. The worst part is I wasn’t even going to apply as I didn’t feel my photos would be 'good enough', but obviously I have been proven wrong!

Right now I am currently excited for life and everything it has in store for me. I have a lot of exciting things in the pipe line and I am just taking and enjoying every opportunity as it comes...