Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Ourzone found tour 2013

Ourzone Magazine have teamed up with Timeless Clothing and are putting on a great free gig in April called The Found Tour. Go grab yourself some tickets and a T-shirt whilst you are there as a familiar face is modelling it –

C xXx

Published in FRONT magazine for Timeless Clothing

So Timeless Clothings advert has been featured in front magazine. I am so excited about being in it! Also I am very grateful that Timeless Clothing decided to use me for their advertisement. The photo above is printed in this months FRONT magazine – issue 177. For me being printed in front magazine is such a great way to end my year. 2012 has been filled with really good opportunities and I have got to meet and work with some fantastic people along the way. Being printed in Front magazine just puts the cherry on the top of my year. Thank you so much guys for choosing me to represent you! Now go grab yourself a copy of this months FRONT and see what the fuss is all about! Also check out Timeless Clothing’s great range of items –

The brighter shade of red

I have just recently brightened up my red hair. I have been looking to do this for a while now, but I have never been brave enough to go through with it until now. I have a pirate themed photo shoot this week and thought it would work perfect with the concept so it would be worth a try at least. This is the end result! I am so pleased with it! I couldn’t imagine being any other shade of red but this one now, although I know it will be extremely hard to keep and not everyone is going to want to hire me for jobs because of it. It is just nice to make a change for once and have something a bit more adventurous as it is the alt side of modelling that really interests me so it goes perfect with it. Who knows, if one door closes another load might open. For now at least I know I am keeping it for the short-term, but who knows what the future might hold!
C xXx

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Latex model competition

I am currently in a competition on facebook to win such an awesome prize. The top three contestants with the most votes go through to the judges, who then decide who the winner is. The prize is to model Catalyst Latex designs and be given modelling directions by alt model Ruby True. Also on top of this the winner has there hair and make up done by a top stylist. I would really love the opportunity to get through to this so please click on the link and like my photo when it loads. It would help me out  so much! x!/photo.php?fbid=508463675872142&set=a.506026366115873.129367.214256611959518&type=1&theater

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Timeless Clothing Winter '12

I recently modelled the new Winter '12 collection for the clothing brand Timeless Clothing. I had so much fun doing it. They have some great ideas and uber cool street style stuff for sale. Go check them out -

Website -
Facebook -

A working shot. Rocking the Timeless Quilted Jacket
Timeless Christmas Jumper currently on sale. Grab yours today!

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Frances Sales Photography

I recently just worked with Frances Sales Photography. The images below are just a couple of the edits I have back so far. Check out the rest of her portfolio by visiting her facebook page -



Home from Kenya

So I am officially home from Kenya. Safe and sound and back to the typically miserable and cold English weather (which is a bit of a killer when you have been use to 33 degree temperature at night) I had a fantastic time there and the place itself is just beautiful. The people are so friendly and polite, even though most of them have very little when it comes to possessions, clothing or house facilities they are always cheery and content with their lives. Which made me realise how lucky I am as a person and how I want to take every opportunity in life that I can, because I have the option and the ability to.

Are hotel had a beautiful white sand beach with clear blue waves rolling in to the shore. We also had in house monkeys who lived within the hotel grounds. They were funny little characters and cheeky as hell, if you turned your head for long enough they would totally have their head in your drink in no time! Whilst out in Kenya we also went on Safari in the biggest safari park there is – Tsavo East National Park. It was a fantastic life experience and it is probably one of my best to date. Seeing the animals in their natural environment was completely different and amazing. We manage to spot four of the big five whilst out there. The big five are – Lions,elephants,leopards,cheetahs and rhino. We managed to get up close to all of these animals, apart from the Rhino as the park only have 10 and none have ever been spotted by anyone here, so it was never going to happen. We were really over whelmed with what we saw on this two day adventure and I would advise any one to do it if they were given the opportunity as it is fantastic.

Now that I am home though it all seems like a dream as it is straight back to work for me now. Booking shoots and attending rehearsals. Just the standard daily grind….