Friday, 26 October 2012

It's my favourite time of year again...

So Halloween is upon us and all the shops are filled with fun cookey things that coax you into buying them, as they are just too damn cute to leave at the check out! All Hallows eve is the best holiday of the year as it is filled with tales and traditions, although it has become more commercialised now then it use to be. My pumpkin is ready to go, with the image of Jack Skelleton ready to be carved out of it. Also my costume for this year is going to be based on the traditional Sugar Skull although of course with my own twist on it! I look forward to sporting this make up, and sharing the pictures with you!
I wish you all a Happy Halloween, and remember do not allow yourself to be tricked by the spirits that are allowed to roam the earth this one frightful night a year ;)



Monday, 22 October 2012

Richard Grebby Photography

Hello Illustration!

I recently collaborated with an awesome artist named James Merner. The above images is the finished piece. I love everything about it, and I am so glad that I had the opportunity to be drawn by him. He has some seriously amazing black and white portraits of girls on his facebook page. Check them out -

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

When in France....

The France troupe

I have recently just come back from a week long shoot in France. The assignment was to model wedding dresses for an up and coming dress hire company called Jessica Louise. I was accompanied by four other models, a photographer and a the photographers assistant. The whole week was such a laugh, but we also we worked hard and got the images we needed. I learnt a lot whilst being in this environment. How different people work and model and the ideas that people come up with. It helped me grow as a model and understand what I want from the career and what I need to put in to get it. It is safe to say I know now that main stream jobs such as modelling wedding dresses is not where my career lies. I like to have fun and use expressions and that type of modelling doesn't fall into the above bracket. I have realised now since being home that the more alternative side of the industry is where my modelling lies and now I will be working hard to find jobs that meet this requirement. Although the week was fun and I made great contacts and friends, I realise now that that kind of job is not for me. It's all about the wacky and interesting jobs from now on....

After our make up headshots
The double apple

Before the dead bride shoot




Monday, 15 October 2012

Harley Baby

This set of four photos are one of my favourite things I have in my current portfolio. They were taken by the fabulous Nandi Forward - Nitemare Photography. We shot on a white Harley Davidson and the clothing was lent to us by the clothing brand Boom! Boom! Baby! I really enjoyed shooting this set of photos with Nandi and we have many ideas for future collaborations that I can not wait to get to work on. 
 Click on the link below to see more of her amazing work -!/Nandi.Forward.Photography?fref=ts


Peak '12

In the July I performed in my end of year show Peak '12. This was my final show I would do with my college before graduating. Below are some photos from some of the routines.
Kissing you - Choreographer Richard Jones

New York Girls - Choreographer Richard Jones

80's Montage - Choreographer Mark Iles
Moses Supposes - Choreographer Jo Goodwin
Moses supposes - Choreographer Jo Goodwin

Coming to the end of an era...

I have endured three years of leotards,tights,ballet buns,slick back hair,false eyelashes,stage make up,tears,tantrums,laughs and endless amounts of sweat. I finally graduated Reynolds Performing Arts with the title Professional dancer. I enjoyed my three years at dance college but have learnt now that the most important part of your training comes afterwards, in the real world. There are things you can not be taught at college and if you let yourself become immersed by the college bubble it is a real shock to the system. Luckily for me I always tried to keep myself real and never allowed this to happen, so it has not been so much of a surprise for me as I imagine it has been for others. The truth is life is what you make it and if you are willing to fight for something, you will achieve it. It doesn't matter if it happens right at this moment in time or two years later. As long as you work your hardest and are proud of what you do and enjoy it, who cares what everyone else is doing or even thinks? You need to please yourself and worry not about others as they have their own paths and life choices to make...

